MSN Outfit Picks

This is why I love Poppy and her creation, WIWT. For the second time that I know of I’ve been featured on MSN hottest outfits. This appears to be just another string to Poppy’s bow. Each week she picks her favourite outfits, much like the process of editors picks on but this time they are being featured on a massive, massive website with the opportunity to be found by anyone!

It’s always nice to get feedback on your appearance, especially when you’re wearing something new, so I’m super happy that WIWT agree that this floral vintage dress is lovely.


Its a blistering cold Friday in Sheffield today, it seems its been horrible weather all over the UK, which is why Ive had 4 comments of ‘arent you cold in that?’

Surprisingly not, of course Ive had my parka on when walking to uni and back, I swear people forget that buildings generally do have heating and the warmth is only needed for the inbetween stage, duh! I wrote a few weeks ago that I wanted to start doing more #todayimwearing posts, so here they are!

This was fun to do, its always nice to pose for the camera when you like your outfit! As it has been cold Ive teamed a vintage cream and blue summer dress with a bold neon cropped jumper, this has not only made it vibrant but has added warmth too! The tights are a must, but the vintage leather boots and cream bag are the vital bits thats given this outfit a vibe of old meets new. To say I threw this on at 8:15 this morning its not too bad, is it?!

Have a lovely weekend !