Pay day, treat day.

When I say pay day is treat day, what I actually mean is treat weekend!

I am SO naughty. Yet another over indulgent weekend, too much gorging and too much shopping makes for a poor, circular but happy Jen!

I hit up Riverside restaurant with my BFF for a lovely tapas lunch before having a driving lesson (this is a secret, but my driving test is VERY soon, eek!) I usually dread the lessons but surprisingly this one was a good start to the weekend.
Quickly followed by that was hitting up the shopping centre and local vintage fair, these are my finds …


RI sale jacket (despite the cooler weather, I just cant ditch 3/4 sleeves!) with Topshop tee


New Look horse print shirt, these animal printed shirts can be garish but I love this one!


Clashing prints with an old H&M fur stole


Lush tapas!


Vintage finds, gorgeous blouse and old school Dune ankle boots (just £10!)


My favourite piece of all! Jump suit, romper, boiler suit, whatever you wanna call it, I bloody love it. 80s find at just £5!

What do you think?
Have a lovely week x

Professional Style Diary

So, this is real life?! Up at 7 and home at 6. Gone are the days of getting up at 9, lunching with friends, shopping all day and partying until the early hours, oh uni, you really are long gone! I’ve just entered my second week of my first graduate job/full time job and I’m really enjoying it!

Throughout my first week, my main concern was obviously the huge challenge that lies before me, making a good impression and settling in, however, this was closely followed by what to wear!
As its my first professional job, I wanted to look smart but I despise standard office wear and I didn’t want to lose my usual style, so in a bid to look respectable and fashionable, I put together these outfits.


All from Primarks AW12 range! can you believe it? The  navy blazer is light weight and the maroon pencil skirt with skinny belt has a stretch but has a lovely fit.




This is my favourite look from my first week. All Primark AW12 minus the H&M skinny fit suit jacket. I love the androgynous look of this outfit, but the fitted white shirt gives it a feminine edge!



I’m usually always against black trousers, even at school I hated them, but my brother convinced me that these will be a staple in work wardrobe and he was right! I opted for high waisted and teamed it with this Mango 3 coloured panel top.




This Topshop floral peplum dress has become a staple in my work and social wardrobe, everyone always says how lovely it is – and for just £20 I’m really glad I invested in this surprisingly versatile piece!

Fridays are casual and I totally forgot to snap a pic as I didn’t feel like I was heading to work! I’m thoroughly enjoying what I’m doing, and I have a whole new load of items to wear this week, the work style diary may be something I’d like to do again!?

Have a lovely week!

Flirty Lady

I haven’t taken this dress off since I bought it! And because of that, I have far too many photos to share, but Ive managed to dwindle it down!

I recently landed my first graduate position so as a well done gift to myself I hit up topshop only to find that they had a sale on! I bought 3 dresses totally less than a quarter of the original price and this has got to be my favourite.







It’s perfect for the warm weather we’ve had lately, and surprisingly it’s really versatile. I’ve mixed it up with different shoes, bags and belts on different days for a different kind of look that way I’ve gotten away with wearing it ALL the time!

Wearing such a feminine dress really makes me rethink my wardrobe, could it be time to ditch all the Vans, Fred Perry and Levi’s ?! I’ve definitely enjoyed tottering around like a real lady; lunch, running errands and momma doing my hair “all proper to suit my dress”, it’s been a lovely few days, it’s funny what an impact a simple outfit can have on my confidence and outlook.

Have a lovely weekend, I’m heading to London for a few days! x

Rainy Monday’s and Morning Coffee







So far, today has largely been made up of running errands, getting caught in the rain and having a morning coffee with my BFF! Despite this laid back and easy living Monday, I’m in fact waiting on a really important call that is making me a nervous wreck! but I will say no more on that matter! Tease, I know.

OOTD posts are always my favourite to read, and I vowed a light year ago that I would start posting more of them too. What I love about this outfit, even though its far from weather appropriate and is pretty bland, is that its all second hand. 50% of the items in my wardrobe have probably had a handful of previous owners, I’m always curious how others may have styled the pieces that I now have!

The houndstooth brown and caramel pencil skirt was 20p from a charity shop in my home town, mental isn’t it!? The over sized khaki vest that I blogged about here is, of course, from Beautiful Barcelona for just 1 euro, along with the cream knit (4 euro) that I literally haven’t taken off since getting it! The emerald green slippers are coming up 4 years old (in my hands, anyway!) from COW vintage for just £3. But breaking the second hand look of this outfit is the bracelet, hand decorated from Spain for just 1 euro!

If you have any charity shop posts, leave your link below!

Happy Monday x